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This is a mock recipe card to reflect any changes you make to the inputs on the left in real-time. It serves purely as a live preview of your adjustments.


How to get product Image URL from Amazon?

General Ingredients Instructions Time Notes Custom section Nutritional Info Other Video Products Similar Recipes Instagram Credit

Some fields are filled. We show this message just to make sure you didn't click this button accidentally. Continue?

Adjustable servings
Multiples (1x, 2x, 3x, etc.)
Increment/decrement buttons
Allow your website visitors to change servings amount which will in turn change the ingredients quantities in the ingredients section.
Enable US to Metric conversion
Enabling this feature will automatically convert your ingredients to Metric (without affecting the original values) and allow your website visitors to view your ingredients in US or Metric values.
Enable Temperature conversion
Let your website visitors choose their preferred temperature unit (Fahrenheit or Celsius). Simply write temperatures in one of the following formats, and our system will handle the rest:
  • 300 F
  • 300 °F
  • 300 degrees F
  • 300 Fahrenheit
  • 300 °Fahrenheit
  • 300 degrees Fahrenheit

Note: the number 300 is just an example (any number will work), and the same formats apply to temperatures in Celsius.

More info
Hours: Minutes:
Hours: Minutes:
Hours: Minutes:
Here, you can add any information that doesn't fit into other sections
Custom section
Nutritional Info
Fields not showing?

This will clear all nutritional info fields.

Include a Pinterest Pin-it button
Recommended Products/Affiliate links
In this section, you can show your visitors some recipes (posts) that are similar to the recipe you are currently working on
Similar Recipes
Instagram Credit
Tag @ on instagram and hashtag it #
Star ratings
Enable Star ratings
Note: The font of the recipe cards on your website will match the font used on your website.
Font settings
Card styles
Background color
Text color
Links color
Border style
Border color
Font size
Recipe name
Background (cards 3 and 4 only)
Font size
Yield and Author
Text color
Border color
Print button
Text color
Background color
Text color
Background color
Border color
Border style
Headings color
Text color
Headings font size
Text transform
Nutrition info
Background color
Text color
Disclaimer background color
Disclaimer text color
Instagram Credit
Background color
Text color
Icon color
Similar Posts
Image height

Image height (has no effect on some cards)

Adjust image position inside its frame (has no effect on some cards)

Card Width

Live-editing mode

The "Image URL" field is empty. We highly recommend you fill it for the following reasons:

  1. Better compatibility with Google and other search engines.
  2. The templates look much better with an image (add an image to see the difference).